How Does Distance Reiki Work?

I get this question a lot. I think it’s even ramped up lately because of winter and the ongoing pandemic and it’s a great question worth answering. So let’s first talk about the 2 options clients can take advantage of when reserving a Reiki session.

IN-PERSON REIKI allows for the actual laying of hands on the body’s energy centers, known as chakras, to channel the Universal Life Force Energy. When you receive an in-person session from me, you’ll come to my location and we’ll talk for about 10 or 15 minutes about any emotional or physical issues you’re having in your life with which you are seeking help. Clients lay comfortably on my table, which is a massage table, and depending on what we talked about, and allowing for my own intuition to guide me, I lay hands on your body in certain areas to deliver healing Reiki energy. We then take the last 10 or 15 minutes to discuss what I did, why, and any information I received intuitively for you.

DISTANCE REIKI is pretty much the same as above, however, you are in your own location, usually your home, and I am in my location, usually my home. I will call you at the appointed time and we will have a 10 or 15-minute discussion, same as we would with an in-person session. We hang up after that initial talk and I administer Reiki while you lay comfortably in whatever location you are in. I call back for the last 10 or 15 minutes of your session and discuss what I did, why, and any information I received intuitively for you.

So how does distance Reiki work? 

We all have access to the Universal Life Force Energy. This chi, qi, or prana flows through and connects each of us. As a certified practitioner of Reiki, I was taught to use certain symbols, which I draw in the air in front of me before a distance Reiki session. One symbol, in particular, is specific to sending Reiki across any distance or space. This connection is further established by invoking the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which is the principle that deems or holds that we are all connected. We are all made of energy, and since we are all part of the larger whole, we can access any part of that energy at any time, and that includes someone else’s energy that is not in the same location as I am. Trippy, right? But it’s true. 

As I read in an article once, 

“The way that we experience space and time is not how space and time exist. We live in a linear timeline: We transcend space and time with Reiki. [For instance], you can love someone oceans away. You can feel a person’s energy even if they’re not in front of you.” 

Think about this: How many times have you said, “I’m sending you love” to someone?

Ninety-eight percent of my own Reiki treatment was distance Reiki. My journey with receiving distance Reiki, the healing I received, and the way it changed my life cannot be denied. I also have great success with my distance clients as well.

If you’re searching for a Reiki practitioner, the most important thing you want to focus on is your connection with them. Trusting in your practitioner is key. Once you find a practitioner you trust, consider what type of session is best for you, but also consider what type of session is most powerful for the practitioner as well. This way, you can make sure you’re receiving maximum healing from her or him.


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A Year of Rebirth | Pittsburgh Reiki Practitioner