Reiki Shocks Even ME Sometimes!

I was just thinking back on the Self-Love Journey retreat I co-hosted a little over a year ago and the stories I was so honored to hear from the amazing women who attended. It was such a beautiful few days. Each woman came with their own reason for being there and it was fascinating to hear about the journeys that led them to the retreat.

One of the services I offered during our time together was group Reiki and it was magical to be able to dig deep with these women and help them release things that were blocking their journeys. It’s always such an extraordinary experience when I lay my hands on someone’s body because feeling into a person’s energy can be pretty intimate and not just a little mystical.

On the last day, we held a circle talk, following my last group Reiki exercise, where each woman could say whatever they wanted, whether it be about the retreat, their experiences, something they learned, etc. One woman began talking about her experience with the Reiki she received during her time with me and she not only shared some lovely insights that came to her while I was giving her Reiki but, to my complete surprise, she shared with all of us that she had been in menopause for ten years and hadn’t had a period during that time…until after Reiki with me that weekend. If you think that was a shocker, two other women gasped and also shared how each of them hadn’t had a period for a considerable amount of time either, until that very weekend and after receiving Reiki. For those of you who understand chakras, one of the two main chakras I focused on for the weekend was the Sacral Chakra. Uh-huh. Makes sense now, right??

I know what you’re thinking. “That’s what I get for receiving Reiki?? No thanks”, but if that’s what is running through your mind, you’re missing the point. That’s how much Reiki stirs up energy. That’s how strongly Reiki moves in and out of your body. It shifts, unblocks, releases, and gets things that were previously stagnant flowing like they should. Trust me, if you could hear what these women said about their experiences during and after Reiki from that weekend, you’d be just as amazed as I was. I mean, I’m a practitioner and even I was mesmerized!

All this to simply say if you’re not feeling your best, a little fatigued and shlumpy (yes, that is a word. I just made it up), and perhaps like you’re walking through jello every day, Reiki might be something to think about. I'd rather flow like water rather than mud any day of the week. Just sayin'...


Filling My Cup


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